
Title: Discovering the happy ones we can be - Therapeutic Modelling as a lively cooperation between the client and her options (or parts)
Presenters: Stefan Hammel
Venue: Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)  /  Room 12 
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A)  /
 Sala 12 
Time: 13.06.2024 8:30-10:00

Language: EN


Therapeutic modeling is a rapid, secure, and radically effective form of hypnosystemic therapy (or wide awake hypnotherapy), in which...

• the client's distressing experiences are dissociated from the client onto different seats.
• the client is imagined as a person experiencing their desired outcome on a different seat.
• through a switch to the place wher he / she "would be" happy, the client identifies with the desired experience.
• the desired experience is stabilized as a new identity experience for the client.

This therapy form, developed by Stefan Hammel, involves closely observing and describing the nonverbal reactions of the client to reinforce and stabilize the emerging positive changes. This results in a new form of individual, couples, and family therapy, built upon bodily experiences and involuntary behaviors. This approach is particularly suitable for situations involving complex, chronic, and rapidly escalating conflicts, aiming to bring about effective solutions.

Therapeutic Modelling - a method close to constellation work or part's work - is based on
conversational hypnosis (Erickson) and constructivism (Watzlawick) and is suitable for individuals (children and adults) as well as for couples, families and teams.

- S. Hammel: Transforming Lives by Hypno-Systemic Therapy. A Practical Guide. Routledge 2024
- S. Hammel: Therapeutic Interventions in Three Sentences. Reshaping Ericksonian Therapy by Greetings to the Brain and Body. Routledge 2020
- S. Hammel: Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling. Stories and Metaphors in Psychotherapy, Child and Family Therapy, Medical Treatment, Coaching and Supervision. Routledge 2018
- S. Hammel: The Blade of Grass in the Desert. Storytelling: Forgotten Medicine for Healing the Soul. A Story of 100 Stories for Counseling and Therapy. impress 2012

Stefan Hammel, born in 1967, works as a child and family therapist, hypnotherapist, as chaplain in a general hospital and a psychiatric hospital. He leads the Institute of Hypno-Systemic Consultation (Hypno-Systemische Beratung) in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Stefan Hammel holds seminars on therapeutic storytelling, utilisation, hypnotherapy and hypno-systemic strategies, following the work of Milton Erickson and Paul Watzlawick. Focal points of his work are trauma, depression, anxiety, bereavement, psychotherapy in somatic treatment as well as hypnotherapy for couples and families.