
Title: Using immersive virtual reality as an innovative technology to deliver hypnosis
Presenters: David Patterson
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Exhibition Room B / Sala Wystawowa B
Time: 20 minute presentation during 1 pararell sesion-  13.06.2024 8:30-10:00
Language: EN


This scientific proposal describes a collaborative presentation between Belgium and United States researchers on using immersive virtual reality as an innovative technology to deliver hypnosis (VRH). The authors on this abstract have all developed or used paradigms for delivering hypnosis through 3D immersive VR to reduce pain or anxiety from a variety of medical procedures and are also familiar with what has been published by other investigators on this topic. Some of the procedures we have investigated include trauma pain, orthopedic surgery and invasive medical procedures. This presentation will describe the paradigms we have used to deliver VRH as well as the results of controlled clinical trials we have conducted, usually on pain or anxiety reduction. We will describe methodological challenges we have encountered as well as suggestions for strengthening VRH technology and impact.

David R. Patterson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington.