
Title: Evidence based research on the effect of hypnotic cooperation in the care of breast cancer patients: A randomised prospective controlled study
Presenters: Éva Bányai
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Small Hall / Aula Mała
Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 1 pararell sesion-  13.06.2024 8:30-10:00
Language: EN

The purpose of the present study is to test the hypothesis by evidence-based research that hypnosis as an adjunctive treatment has a beneficial effect on physical and psychological outcomes in the medical care of breast cancer patients.
The present paper summarises the design of a randomised prospective outcome study in which the effect of hypnosis is compared either with the effect of musical assemblies (intervention groups), or with the data of a control group receiving special personal attention without intervention. In the intervention groups, patients, randomly assigned to the “hypnosis” or “music” groups, listened either to positive suggestions in hypnosis, or to a music selection during cytostatic infusions and blood tests. The empirical part of the research was conducted from October 2011 to October 2020; the results are based on the data of 161 patients.
The patients received 4AC and 12PAC chemotherapy treatments according to the international standard protocol. Quality of life, psychological immune competence, NK cell activity, and blood counts were measured before the first AC and the first PAC treatments, at the end of the chemotherapy protocol, and at the several follow-up sessions for 3 years.
Although there is no significant difference in survival between the research groups, other measures show statistically significant positive effects of hypnosis in the changes of the quality of life, psychological immune competence, posttraumatic growth, etc.
We conclude that it is worthwhile to include hypnosis in the psychosocial care of cancer patients.


Éva Bányai is a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary. She developed active-alert hypnosis in 1974 at Stanford University. Her main research interest is studying the psychophysiological, behavioral, phenomenological, and social aspects of hypnosis from an interactional standpoint. She is the recipient of numerous awards for her contributions in advancing the fields of hypnosis, including the Benjamin Franklin Gold Medal of ISH. She is a Past President and a Honorary Lifetime Member of both the European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) and of ISH.