
Title: Program Hypnose HUG (University Hospital of Geneva): how a university hospital relies on collaborations to deploy its clinical hypnosis hospital
Presenters: Adriana Wolff
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 208 / Sala 208

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 3 pararell sesion- 13.06.2024 12:30-14:00

Language: EN


Training and functioning of hypnosis on several levels of skills (hypnotic communication, clinical hypnosis and therapeutic hypnosis), collaborations between these different levels according to the needs of the patient in daily hospital practice, in order to structure the quality of services and to ensure continuous training.
Collaborations between different professional expertise trained in hypnosis on a patient’s care path (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, specialized nursing : surgical, anesthesiologists , analgesics, oncologists, physicians anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, etc.) to ensure that the patient is able to benefit from hypnosis throughout their care.
Medical-nursing partnerships in hypnosis: outpatient medical consultation of hypnosis, then nursing relay of the management. Example: pre-operative hypnosis consultation by doctors, then hypnosis during anesthesia by nurses.
Transversal network of inter-service collaborations: to respond within a reasonable time to hospital hypnosis requests by patients, doctors, nurses of a service, based on the management of requests through a centralized email.
Collaborative monitoring of hypnosis management through traceability of each hypnosis through a hypnosis form filled in the patient’s computer file.
Cultural diversity of practitioners and patients: linking the language skills of hypnosis practitioners to respond to requests taking into account the cultural diversity of patients at Geneva’s university hospitals.
Platform for collaborations between hypnosis practitioners and researchers in academia.


Adriana Wolff is a senior anesthesiologist, graduated in clinical hypnosis since 2007. In 2015, she gained recognition from the Swiss Medical Society of Hypnosis as a supervisor in medical hypnosis. She participate in clinical studies evaluating the impacts of hypnosis in hospitals, the results of which were presented in 2015 at the World Hypnosis Congress. She has built a complete course of \\\\\\\"therapeutic communication in care\\\\\\\", delivered since 2017. At first head of the project, she is currently in charge of the hypnosis program in the university hospitals of Geneva.