
Title: Enhancing Pediatric Chronic Pain Therapy through Multidisciplinary Treatment, including Medical Hypnosis
Presenters: Andrea Gyimesi-Szikszai, Adrienn Vargay, Janos Major
Venue: the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 234 / Sala 234
Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 2 pararell sesion-  13.06.2024 10:30-12:00
Language: EN


Pediatric chronic pain is prevalent, affecting an estimated 25-30% of children. The widely accepted biopsychosocial model emphasizes the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding and managing chronic pain. By integrating this comprehensive framework into our Center’s treatment approach, we aim to address the complexity inherent in pediatric chronic pain cases. The treatment protocol involves collaboration among various medical specialties, including pediatricians, psychologists, physical therapists, and other allied health professionals.
In the literature and clinical practice medical hypnosis has demonstrated efficacy in managing pain, offering a non-invasive and drug-free option for pediatric patients. It is an important feature of our approach, that we incorporated the medical hypnosis as therapeutic modality in the treatment of our patients with chronic pain. It is integrated into the broader context of our multimodal, systemic strategy, which includes among others education, physical therapies, cognitive-behavioral strategies, psychodrama, psychosocial support, and pharmacological interventions if needed.
We use hypnosis in individual sessions, group settings, and as an integral part of day hospital care. Efforts are underway to extend its accessibility by developing it into an audible audio resource, aiming to provide support to children with chronic pain on a national scale. In our presentation, we would like to describe this complex work in Hungary, offering insights into our experiences.
This abstract highlights the pioneering efforts of the first Pediatric Pain Center in Hungary, located at Bethesda Children’s Hospital, Budapest, to shift the paradigm in pediatric chronic pain management towards a more holistic, patient and family-centered model. Preliminary results suggest promising outcomes, emphasizing the potential for long-term improvement in the well-being of pediatric patients suffering from chronic pain.


Andrea Gyimesi-Szikszai She obtained her medical degree in 1997 in Szeged, Hungary. In 2002, she qualified in pediatrics, 5 years later in anesthesiology and intensive therapy. She spent several years in Germany, where her attention turned to pediatric chronic pain. She could learn a lot in the German Pediatric Pain Center, which and was a great inspiration to her. It became her dream that the multidisciplinary treatment could be realized also in Hungary. She works at the Pediatric Pain Center in the Bethesda Children’s Hospital in Budapest.