
Title: Crisis Intervention with Ericksonian Strategic Hypnotherapy for 4321 Persons in Earthquake Disaster Zone
Presenters: Jorge  Abia, Rafael Nunez
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Small Hall / Aula Mała
Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 2 pararell sesion - 13.06.2024 10:30-12:00
Language: EN


Systematic Intervention Hypnotherapy Model, 4321 earthquake victims were treated, in big groups from 200 to 250 persons. Results will be presented.

Jorge Abia MD Internal Medicine MA Family Therapy, Hypnnotherapist
Rafael Nunez Psychologist MA Family Therapy, Hypnotherapist Co Directors Mexican Society of Hypnosis and Milton H. Erickson Institute of Mexico City. The first Erickson Institute founded in Mexico