
Title: Giving Kids Skills Instead of Pills
Presenters: Linda Thomson, Anya Griffin,  Alejandra Secion
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Medium Hall B / Aula Średnia B
Time: 13.06.2024 10:30-12:00
Language: EN/PL


A seasoned clinician along with early career professionals from two different disciplines and cultures will describe effective hypnotic interventions that can be used with children and adolescents who have medical or psychological challenges. Hypnosis not only gives the child a tool to better cope with or solve the problem himself, but can also increase self-esteem, bolster a sense of accomplishment and give the child a valuable skill that he can adapt to many new situations throughout life. The principles and practice of integrating hypnosis into clinical encounters in child and adolescent healthcare for a variety of common pediatric problems will be presented. How to match hypnotic strategies to the developmental level of the child will be illustrated by using video clips.

Dr. Thomson has been a pediatric nurse practitioner for more than 4 decades working with children with a variety of disorders. She is a past President of ASCH and has taught hypnosis workshops across the United States and around the world.
Dr. Anya Griffin is an early career professional, a pediatric psychiatrist, pain specialist, and future faculty of the National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute.
Dr. Alejandra Secionl is a general pediatrician from Uraguay. She is also an early career professional and future faculty of the National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute.