
Title: The Emotions of Cooperation: exploration and sharing in hypnosis
Presenters: Fabio Carnevale,  Maria Cristina Perica
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Medium Hall A / Aula Średnia A
Time: 13.06.2024 10:30-12:00
Language: EN/PL


The Workshop provides a synthetic theoretical framework of interpersonal motivational systems focusing on Cooperation and Social Play. It presents through clinical cases how the activation of these systems can be helpful in psychotherapy to elicit some emotional experiences and to evoke peculiar motivational and behavioural correlates. Finally, the Workshop illustrates how activating these systems can be valuable for patients with a compromised attachment system.
Through exercises and live group demonstrations, some hypnotic tools will be presented to elicit the activation of the cooperative and playing systems, such as utilization, shared attention, language, metaphors, and the different ways of sharing the hypnosis experience.

Participating in the workshop, attendees will learn how:
- Evoke and use the emotions of cooperation to promote social involvement and emotional co-regulation;
- Broaden the knowledge of interpersonal motivational systems and their activation mechanisms;
- Use rapport to create a hypnotic context that can promote cooperative exchanges in a naturalistic way;
- Explore the techniques to activate the cooperative system in hypnosis.

Fabio Carnevale is an experienced Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist. He is the Vice President of the European Society of Hypnosis and has been part of the Board of Directors of ESH since 2017. He’s also Teacher and Supervisor of the Italian School of Hypnosis and Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Member of the BoD of Italian Society of Hypnosis.

Maria Cristina Perica is a Psychologist and Psychotherapist specializing in Ericksonian Hypnosis. She is a member of the BoD of the Italian Society of Hypnosis and a teacher at the Italian School of Hypnosis and Ericksonian Psychotherapy.