
Title: One Story, Three Voices – Ericksonian Hypnosis in Group
Presenters: Anna Stefaniak, Anna Józefczyk
Venue: the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0 - Room 208 
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) -  Sala 208

Time: 13.06.2024 8:30-10:00

Language: EN/PL


The workshop aims to share experiences developed through the use of clinical hypnosis in group psychotherapy. We invite participants to engage in an interpersonal experience that provides an opportunity to connect with themselves, other participants, the group as a whole, and the therapists. Through the proposed trance experiences, we will attempt to demonstrate how the collaboration between therapists can contribute to establishing a sense of safety in group work and stimulate individual change among group members.

Educational objectives:

Demonstrate the application of hypnosis in group psychotherapy.
Experience the importance of collaboration among members and therapists in stimulating the group process.
Integrating the use of hypnosis in group processes with one's own experience and clinical practice.