
Title: W.13.1 - Coming home to ourselves: Aging into Integrity, Authenticity, and Connections in new ways.
Presenters: Julie H. Linden
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Medium Hall A / Aula Średnia A
Time: 13.06.2024 8:30-10:00
Language: EN/PL

Aging is part of our developmental process. As with each stage in our development, certain characteristics define the experiences. We will explore archetypes and mythology in those over 50, and review the shared characteristics, the identity challenges faced around retirement, and end of life preparation. We will present suggestions that support the wisdom accumulated over a lifetime, the management of loss and grief, the changes in mind and body, and the balance of resilience and vulnerability. This workshop will be interactive and invite participants to create new conversations to promote healthy and realistic plans for the later years of life.