
Title: Application results of the Harvard Group Scale of hypnotic susceptibility in Arabic language
Presenters: Zouhaier Al-Habib BIN YAHYA
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 
Room 380 B / Sala 380 B

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 6th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 10:30-12:00

Language: EN


In our training in hypnosis, we usually recommend to our students the Harvard Group Scale of hypnotic susceptibility as a working tool that may help therapists, especially new ones, to take a scientific and organised approach.
The first step was to translate the (H.G.S) into Arabic and convert it for review by the Psychometric Department at Sultan Qabus University in Muscat.
Ten students were selected from our hypnosis trainees, 7 males and 3 females, they were trained on how to pass the test with sample of those who want to conduct a hypnosis session.
each trainee had to pass the test for five cases. the total sample tested was 50 cases, 35 man and 15 women.
The trainee students had to record :
1- signs of state satisfaction or discomfort of their patient.
2- their personal impressions about the Arabic version
3- final own opinion of the feasibility and effectiveness of the test.
Results collected after 90 working days and it gave us the following analysis:
a) 80% of the test pass, 40 cases believe that the test is easy and convenient,30 male and 10 female.
b) All test pass think that is important and it facilitates the hypnotherapist tasks to gain time and accomplish a successful hypnosis session.
c) 5 cases who passed the test believe that some Arabic terms in the test seem inaccurate to them (10%).
Regarding the trainee students, the results were :
a) The (H.G.S), in Arabic version(80% of them), could help professionals who are not experienced in hypnosis.
b) The standardisation of this test in Arabic countries is necessary to spread the science of hypnosis and for the formation of a new generations of specialists.
Results presented in this abstract are a fraction of all the research results and their analysis that will be presented in the worksheet.
In conclusion, the (H.G.S)in Arabic language seems be a necessity now and herein order to work on bringing hypnosis closer to Arabic new generations, to product future professional practitioners of an integrated science.