
Title: From Artificial Intelligence to Hypnotic Intelligence. An Ericksonian Perspective
Presenters: Fabio Carnevale
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 
Room 380 A / Sala 380 A

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 6th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 10:30-12:00

Language: EN


This paper aims to reflect on naturalism from an Ericksonian perspective, using reflections arising from  artificial intelligence's challenges to those involved in clinical hypnosis and psychotherapy.  

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Erickson M. H.; Rossi E. L. (1989), The February Man. EvolvingConsciousness and Identity in Hypnotherapy.  Brunner/Mazel, New York.  

Erickson, M.H. (1964), Initial experiments investigating the nature of hypnosis.American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,  7, 152-162.  

Gallese, V. (2006). Intentional attunement: A neurophysiological perspective on social cognition. Brain Res. Cog. Brain  Res, 1079: 15-24.  

Geary, B.B., Zeig, J.K. (2001), The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy. Arizona, MHEFP.  Loriedo, C. (2001) The new hypnosis in the old hypnosis: memories of the future. Hypnosis International Monographs,  5, 79-89.  

Yapko, M.D. (2012), Trancework. An introducion to the practice of clinical hypnosis. Routledge, New York.  Watkins, J.G., Barabasz, A. (2008), Advanced Hypnotherapy. Hypnodynamic Techniques. New York, Routledge.  Zeig, J.K. (Ed.) (1980), A teaching seminar with Milton H. Erickson, Bruner/Mazel, New York.  


- Analyze issues relating to artificial intelligence, highlighting the complexities, limits and resources that  they seem to pose to those dealing with Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy  

- Hypothesize the applications of AI in the psychotherapeutic field  

- Hypothesize the applications of AI in the hypnotherapeutic field  


I’m a Psychologist and Psychotherapist with 20 years of private practice in the field of clinical hypnosis.  I’m also serving as a Philosophical Consultant in some Italian private companies.  

I am author and co-author of several publications in the field of hypnotherapy.  

Vice President of the European Society of Hypnosis (ESH).  

I’m Teacher and Supervisor of the Italian School of Hypnosis and Ericksonian Psychotherapy (SIIPE),  Board Member of SII (Italian Society of Hypnosis) and Advisory Board Member of “Ipnosi – Rivista  Italiana di Ipnosi Clinica Sperimentale”, official publication of Italian Society of Hypnosis