
Title: Cooperation in systems with ADHD
Presenters: Claudia Reinicke
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 
Room 133 / Sala 133

Time: 14.06.2024 -10:30-12:00

Language: EN


Cooperation of marshmellows and spaghetti and what they have to do with ADHD and Hypnotherapy?

It has always been important to me to bring people from different systems together - until I started working with people with ADHD - since then it seems essential to me! Cooperation is fundamental!

In this workshop, I would like to change the perspective on ADHD from "disorder" to "neurodiversity" to "a different way of seeing the world".
I will give an overview of how therapeutic success can be achieved more easily and sustainably when working with people with ADHD and their entire environment.
Participants will learn about the Eriksonian principles of my approach, which are summarized in the KIKOS® Compass (Compass for the Integration of Complex Systems). It will be shown which helpful, easy-to-learn techniques in the broadest sense from the field of hypnotherapy are contained there in in order to successfully invite the individual systems - the affected person, the family environment and the more distant environment - to cooperate. It is about bringing together competencies and contexts and increasing ambiguity tolerance.
We will show and try out how hypnosis can be combined with the tapping technique (PEP® according to M. Bohne) and how individual techniques can also act as a link, e.g. to bring parents, teachers, partners and other flanking parties on board who are actually no longer interested in getting involved. Examples from typical ADHD everyday life illustrate the application. In addition, the participants will experience some small measures and try out for themselves how solution-oriented cooperation (according to B. Furman) can be used to involve people from the environment at eye level with joy.

Goals: Getting different perspectives on the ADHD speciality, getting to know and trying out to combine the tapping technique ate hypnosis, experiencing the benefits of solution-focused communication to reach cooperation between the systems

Claudia A. Reinicke, Dipl. Psych., behavioural and hypnosis psychotherapist, since 1993 own practice in Dresden; ISH member since 2019, teaching therapist, seminar trainer, author of several books and mother of five children. She combines various methods, including hypnosis, to create a humorous and playful approach called KIKOS® - Compass for the Integration of Complex Systems- an approach of cooperation.