
Title: Forgotten Cooperation ? Where are the Women in the History of Hypnosis ?
Presenters: Marianne Martin
the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 380B / Sala 380 B

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 5th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 08:30-10:00

Language: EN


The history of hypnosis reports its useful application looking back thousands of years - still inspiring our present use of it. Most of the publications offer the names of famous men – of course, they are very important.

But, when Henriette Walter and I had the honour to edit an issue of the German speaking journal “Hypnose” with the focus on women and hypnosis, we asked ourselves: Where are the women in the history of hypnosis? The women not serving as skilled subjects or patients but actively using trance, suggestions, and mesmerizing?

So we tried to find them including the areas of myth, superstition, religion, preparing for fighting – as it was done in the reports about hypnotising men.
This paper will offer our findings in three parts: antiquity, the middle ages, and modern times, some overlapping included. Our searching led us from goddesses and priestesses to female druids and wise women, from mystic visionaries to so-called witches, and to female magnetists! We were lucky to read about the existence of other skilled sisters. The report will end with a female show hypnotist also teaching self-hypnosis. We do hope our beginning may start a process leading to a more realistic view of the history of hypnosis.

Psychotherapist (Autogenic Training/Autogenic Psychotherapy, Guided Affective Imagery, Hypnopsychotherapy), clinical and health psychologist, Vienna. Working with hypnosis since 1983. Points of interest: habit control, phenomena of transference and counter-transference. Born 1949 in Vienna, Austria and living there. Retired but still enjoying few working including supervision, pleased to attend and to give workshops including Medical Hypnosis, i.e. at the Postgraduate Program Medical Hypnosis (course director Stella Nkenke) at the Medical University Vienna.