
Title: Advances in Education for Clinical Hypnosis
Presenters: Donald Moss, Eric Willmarth,  Linda Thomson
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A)   

Green Hall /Aula Zielona
Time: 14.06.2024 8:30-10:00

Language: EN


The global pandemic has provided a radical impetus for discovering how to do a great many things differently. Redesigning longstanding, highly successful in-person clinical hypnosis workshop training, which included small group experiential practice sessions, became a necessary, yet daunting task. An ethical, virtual format for hypnosis education had to be developed safely and expeditiously. The presenters believe that education and training for clinical hypnosis have advanced significantly through the pandemic and will continue to advance in new directions long after Covid-19 case rates diminish.

There is today a greater reliance on virtual (and hybrid) teaching and preparation of students for virtual (and hybrid) treatment delivery. Digital resources in hypnosis are being developed in abundance and can be integrated into both hypnosis education and hypnosis treatment. There is also an emphasis on learning twelve essential competencies for doing hypnosis, and eliciting hypnotic experiences in training, rather than an emphasis on conveying information about hypnosis.

This is a new frontier in clinical hypnosis education which has both challenges and rewards. New technology is ever-evolving and the learning style, expectations, and experience of young career professionals are different than they were for the seasoned faculty teaching the workshops.

This symposium includes three experienced leaders in North American hypnosis education. The speakers will emphasize the balance in teaching both about hypnosis and how to elicit the hypnotic state. They will also emphasize the importance of providing lived experiences of hypnosis for the student as a part of process-oriented learning.

Key Words:
Clinical hypnosis, education, competencies, virtual/hybrid, process-oriented

This symposium includes three experienced leaders in North American hypnosis education. The speakers will emphasize the balance in teaching both about hypnosis and how to elicit the hypnotic state. They will also emphasize the importance of providing lived experiences of hypnosis for the student as a part of process-oriented learning.