
Title: The Hypnotic Drawing: its creation and utilization for the treatment of Enuresis in children and adolescents
Presenters: Daniele Lonchamp
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A)   

Room 209 / Sala 209
Time: 14.06.2024 8:30-10:00

Language: EN


Nocturnal and diurnal enuresis are frequent problems seen in the clinical setting. The standard proposed interventions such as medications and medical alarms are inefficient, have potential side effects and give the child the message that he has a problem he is incapable of solving on his own. Recent studies suggest that the use of hypnosis produces superior outcomes.
The Hypnotic Drawing is an individualized and fun way to help the child solve his problem. I hypothesize that its effectiveness is linked in part to an enhanced communication with the child using concurrently three sensory modalities (kinesthetics, visual, auditory) during the encounter.
In this workshop, a clinical case will be presented. The 5 steps of a typical encounter will be explained.
• With the therapist acting as guide, the child first creates his anatomical representation of his urinary tract, then he localizes the dysfunctions, and suggests solutions. Those 3 phases are done with "conversational hypnosis".
• Using "formal hypnosis", the therapist then invites the child to experience his success (dryness). The therapist uses the language of the child to guide him.
• At the end of the session, the child is invited to repeat that same experience alone; he is taught "self-hypnosis".
The participants will practice those 5 successive steps in pairs.


Daniele Lonchamp - I am a general pediatric consultant practicing in a regional hospital in New Zealand. Clinical hypnosis adds a new dimension to the medical care I provide in the hospital and out-patient services. Both formal and informal tecnhiques provide rapid, long-lasting positive changes on the young person in a time-efficient manner.