
Title:  The Covert Anchoring Technique as a therapeutic multi-tool connecting Hypnotherapy and EMDR
Presenters: Christoph M Sollmann
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Seminar Room / Sala Seminaryjna
Time: 14.06.2024 8:30-10:00

Language: EN


This workshop demonstrates the practical application of the Covert Anchoring Technique (shortly: C.A.T.). C.A.T. is a therapeutic approach based on Milton H. Erickson's multilevel communication model. In the workshop is shown how C.A.T works as a multi-tool in the treatment of pain and trauma combining Hypnosis and EMDR. The practical demonstration of the C.A.T. protocol stands in the center. Further information concerning the theoretical background of the method and principle factors can be discussed. C.A.T. is an example for a concept which is building a cooperation between conscious and unconscious learning.
The participants learn (1) how C.A.T. is completing the hypnotherapeutic toolbox and they can also (2) understand, how to use this approach correctly, as well as they get (3) insight in the therapeutic background of this technique.

Christoph Sollmann is founder and developer of the Covert Anchoring Technique (C.A.T.), a hypnotherapeutic method for the treatment of addiction, chronic pain and trauma. He developed Aversion Therapy 2.0, which is also based on C.A.T.