
Title:  Efficacy of hypnosis in pain control before and after orthopedic surgery in adults    
Presenters: Azadeh Zandi, Zoltan Kekecs
Venue: Audytorium Maximum - Small Hall / Aula Mała

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 5th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 08:30-10:00
Language: EN


Hypnosis-based interventions have been used effectively to reduce pain in many medical conditions and surgeries. There is also growing evidence in support of the effectiveness of various non-pharmacological interventions such as hypnosis used in orthopedic surgery. Mind-body interventions in orthopedic surgery usually target pain, stress, and health-related quality of life. Although these interventions seem effective, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. The aim of this systematic review will be to investigate the effect of a hypnosis-based interventions on before and after orthopedic surgery, and to collect the different interventional approaches applied on this field.
Search will be conducted in Pubmed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Dissertations and Thesis database, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). Eligible studies are controlled clinical trials using hypnosis to reduce pain, anxiety, and/or to improve quality of life in orthopetic surgery.
This is a work in progress, and results of this study will be presented at the conference. We expect that based on the results we will be able to make conclusions about the usefulness of hypnosis-based interventions for orthopedic procedures.

Relevant References

• Lee, J. K., Zubaidah, J. O., Fadhilah, I. S. I., Normala, I., & Jensen, M. P. (2019). Prerecorded hypnotic peri-surgical intervention to alleviate risk of chronic postsurgical pain in total knee replacement: a randomized controlled pilot study. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(2), 217-245
• Markovits, J., Blaha, O., Zhao, E., & Spiegel, D. (2022). Effects of hypnosis versus enhanced standard of care on postoperative opioid use after total knee arthroplasty: the HYPNO-TKA randomized clinical trial. Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine, 47(9), 534-540.

Azadeh Zandi is a doctoral student in Behavioral Psychology Program ELTE University in Budapest. She’s a member of Affective Psychology Department, headed by Dr. Katalin Varga, and member of the Behavioral Medicine and Research Credibility Laboratory, led by Dr. Zoltán Kekecs. Azadeh wrote her master thesis at ELTE university in 2023 about the correlation of hypnotizability and gamma/theta activities in EEG during baseline and hypnosis conditions. Currently she is researching on efficacy of hypnosis in pain control before and after orthopedic surgery.