
Title: How can we use hypnotherapeutic methods in alcohol addicted patients.
Presenters: Otto Lesch, Henriette Walter, Elisabeth Woidich
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Medium Hall A / Aula Średnia A
Time: 14.06.2024 8:30-10:00
Language: EN/PL

As we know diagnoses of addiction (ICD10, ICD11 DSM5) do not give sufficient information for planning therapeutic processes. Therefore we use defined symptom clusters, lying between diagnoses and individualized specific treatments.
In this symposium we will present the different dimensions from these symptom clusters, which we call typology, being useful for therapy planning. The suggestions we use during hypnosis are important for better compliance rates and for an increase of competence to change lifestyle in alcohol dependent patients. Thehypnotherapeutic methods applied will be presented.

Symposium Program:
O. Lesch: Subgroups of alcohol dependence : How to use them for Psychotherapy (15 min)
H. Walter: Hypnotherapy for type 2 Alcohol dependent patients (15 min)
E. Woidich: Hypnotherapy for type 3 Alcohol dependent Patients (15 min)
O. Lesch: Type 1 and 4: What would they need? (10 min)
General discussion (10 min)