
Title: How Collaboration Changes Minds: hypnotic lessons from successful collaboration
Presenters: Laurence Sugarman,  Julie Linden
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A) 

Green Hall / Aula Zielona

Time: 14.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN


A psychologist, a physician, and a poet successfully collaborate to write a textbook about how therapeutic hypnosis changes minds. Over eighteen months of conversations, arguments, inspirations, realizations, and fierce editing, the authors’ minds change. How did they do that? What did they learn about hypnotic collaborations? In this presentation, we tell the story of how we merged resources to write this book. That process involved developing and using the orienting principles and skills that the book is about. We will discuss and demonstrate those essential principles and skills that that make hypnosis evocative, creative, and therapeutic. In these ways we will share how we learned that all productive collaborations are hypnotic. They make us to disrupt our usual patterns of relating and creating, opening us to inspiration, and making these changes within the safety of an accepting relationship. Bring your creativity and beginners’ minds. We hope our workshop propels you to enrich your hypnotic collaborations.