
Title: Anxiety in the belly brain!? 'Imaginary Body Journeys' by Sabine Fruth for anxiety disorders.
Presenters: Susanne Schramm
Didactic centre of the Faculty of Law and Administration (Krupnicza 33A)     
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Krupnicza 33A)    

Room 12 / Sala 12

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 8th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 16:00-17:30

Language: EN


The lecture deals with how an anxiety patient can travel into the body using ‘Imaginary Body Journeys’ and safely find access to the pathological anxiety. The inner wellbeing space and the resource space are utilised and form the foundation of the therapy. Various offers are made and the unconscious decides where to travel. The control centre (symbol for the brain) and the centre of emotions ('belly brain') are key components of the therapy in order to get in touch with the anxiety. The foundation of working with anxiety is resistance work, which focuses on differentiating between inner and outer parts.


After studying architecture, a Fulbright scholarship and years in practice, Susanne Schramm followed her unconscious and, after a complete break, trained in hypnosis. Today, Susanne Schramm works as an alternative health practitioner for psychotherapy, has been successfully working in her own practice in Bremen/Germany (since 2016) and conducts self-hypnosis seminars. After various training courses in the field of hypnosis, in recent years she has increasingly focused on hypnotherapy and the 'Imaginary Body Journeys' method by Sabine Fruth, which is the main focus of her work today. Susanne Schramm is a team member at the Fruth Institute.

Schramm: "Sabine Fruth's 'Imaginary Body Journeys' create an almost playful framework within a flexible structure for the patient, in which it is possible to quickly become therapeutically effective. The method opens up unimagined complexity and room for manoeuvre for both patient and therapist."