
Title: Cooperation with the patient’s inner wisdom for making therapy more efficient
Presenters: Teresa Robles      
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Exhibition room B / Sala Wystawowa B
Time: 14.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN


After a brief theoretical introduction, I will demonstrate how to use the concept of Universal Wisdom together with the concept of Universal Topics and ambiguity for making Hypnotherapy more efficient, shortening the trance induction as well as the process. We will have a demonstration and an exercise with all the group.
Participants will learn:
1. The concepts of Universal Wisdom and Universal Topics
2. How to utilize Universal Wisdom for shortening the trance induction
3. How to utilize Universal Wisdom for creating with the patient Self Hypnosis
4. How to utilize Universal Topics for shortening the therapeutical process
5. The use of ambiguity for working with different factors simultaneosly

Teresa Robles, PhD, has a Master Degree in Social Anthropology, a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology and a training in Systemic Family Therapy. She has introduced Ericksonian Hypnosis in Mexico, and has adapted it to Spanish and Portuguese. She is co founder of the first Milton H. Erickson Institute in Mexico City and the founder of the Mexican Ericksonnian Centre that is considered by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology at a level of a University.