
Title: Hypnotic tools for hospitals: Helping families, children and hospital staff to cope with death and grief.
Presenters: Steffens-Dhaussy Christiane       
Venue: Audytorium Maximum  - Exhibition Room A / Sala Wystawowa A
Time: 14.06.2024 16:00-17:30
Language: EN/PL


Although death is a daily occurrence in hospitals, it tends to be neither seen nor handled in a “normal” way. Death, especially when it occurs abruptly, (e.g. accidents) is experienced as a shock. Announcing death and accompanying the bereaved is a real challenge for professionals especially when it comes to children. Situations can be complicated and sometimes traumatic.
Hypnosis is a valuable tool in reframing fears, preventing trauma and supporting a healthy grief process. (Self-)Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to prevent burnout in nurses, doctors and other hospital staff.

The workshop will focus on the following questions:
How can families be supported in the face of potentially traumatic situations such as sudden or violent deaths? How can we create positive “farewell” situations for children and adults?
How can we reduce the risk of secondary trauma and burnout and protect hospital staff?

After a brief introduction to the many facets of the grief-process, the workshop will invite you to discover different practices in hospitals and experience protective techniques.
1. Announcing the “Bad News”: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Care for Children and Families in ICU
2. Helpful rituals to say “farewell”: How to create a welcoming atmosphere in the morgue, even for children.
3. Perinatal Grief: The “Star Ceremony”
4. Taking care of professionals: Several Body-Mind techniques to protect oneself, prevent burnout and activate personal resources. A group hypnosis to liberate oneself from difficult experiences.

Suggested exercises: The "dry shower" and the "door ritual" to better separate work and private life

Keywords: Grief, farewell visit; prevention of burnout; resources

Christiane Steffens-Dhaussy, psychologist, has been working in hospitals for more than 25 years, particularly in palliative care and in ICU. Initiator of the “Star Ceremony” for families in perinatal mourning, she has her own practice and continues to support hospital teams as a trainer and supervisor. Her book \"Accompanying Death and Mourning: A Practical Approach for the Hospital Environment\" was published by SATAS (2021).