
Title: Hypnosis Education at Charles University in Prague
Presenters: Petr Zivny

the main building of AGH University of Science and Technology - A0
A0 Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków) 

Room 380 A/ Sala 308 A

Time: 20- 30 minute presentation during 7th pararell sesion- 14.06.2024 12:30-14:00

Language: EN


Hypnosis education at University level is not common. With the exception of a few universities in the in the United States of America, the largest department devoted to the teaching of hypnosis is found at the State University of Budapest.
The topic of this paper is description of hypnosis as offered for psychology and medicine students at Charles University in Prague. The importance of theoretical knowledge of hypnosis as well as a practical training is very important early in their education for their own experience and their future decision to apply hypnosis in professional activity.
“Self regulation techniques and Hypnosis with practical training” was introduced at Charles University in the 1970s among the options subjects for mandatory subjects in the five-year study of psychology. At the first course was offered once a week for a single semester and consequently, since 1992, the subject was taught as a full emersion three-day block in summer in Czech language and in winter, for English speaking Erasmus students.
Part of this paper is a presentation of selected individual reflections from Erasmus students who describe their own experiences with the self regulation techniques and hypnosis learned in their practical training.

Key words: hypnosis education university, self regulation techniques and hypnosis, practical training, reflections Erasmus students

Dr. Mgr. Petr Zivny, Ph.D., Lecturer at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), Private Practice Psychologist-Psychotherapist, Clinical Psycho-sexologist, Psycho-oncologist, Graphologist, President of Experimental and Applied Hypnosis (ICEAH)